The Beginning – Bother!

•November 14, 2010 • Leave a Comment

This is Bad Boy Bennie’s Book.

It is a story of Bins, Battles, Backsliding and Blatant Lies.

It is not a story for the fearful and delicate.

Bad Boy lives in a green bin. He is a pal of Ginger and Garlic.

Actually he is more than a pal. He is their lookout, and spy. He knows everything that Ginger and Garlic gets up to – well almost everything.

I had better recap for those who do not know the story. Gary and Roger went to Rwanda in August to build a college to help street children and orphans get vocational skills so that they could get into employment.

In an unfortunate turn of events the vice mayor misheard Gary as Garlic, and so Garlic Macfarlane was born. Roger Fleming was delighted, knowing that Garlic’s curling buddies would love this new name.  Garlic got furious and despite his supposed Christian faith, he retaliated – no forgiveness here! Determined that others would be nicknamed also he start with his pal Bennie.

So Bad Boy Bennie was born.

Bad boy, not to be outdone decided Ginger would be Roger’s nickname.

Now that should have been the end of it, but its got way out of hand. Having adopted new names, new lives came too.

Bad Boy Bennie, instead of living in his garden shed, took to spying from his green wheelie bin.

Garlic and Ginger were excommunicated from their church, apparently on health and safety grounds –  Gingers feet being the principle cause.

Garlic suspects that too many members of the church were upset by his video of Ginger’s operation. Whatever the reason for their apparent rejection,  Bad Boy felt concerned for his pals safety, and took it on himself to be their lookout and spy, in the hope that they would get home from Rwanda in one piece – bit odd since they have never been in one piece in their lives!

After their Rwandan mission was complete, the pals sneaked back into the country late one Friday evening. Bennie had put out flares in Lanrig Road, and despite Ginger’s hopeless sense of direction their lysander landed safely.

So the 3 pals were reunited.

But that is just part of the story, the rest is top secret and hidden in another blog – and you cannot see it – because our wives will not let us share the story!!

But Bad Boy, is a bad boy, and he wants to share the exploits of the 3 pals

It is a tale which borders on insanity.

Ginger retired 9 months ago, and finds living with himself very troubling. Garlic is still on sabbatical and has discovered that he is insane, and wants more of it!. Bennie has always been off the planet – the effect of living with 4 girls – hence he lives in a bin!

So if you find the book too disturbing, then we suggest you do not read on. You have been warned! But then perhaps you might like our form of insanity.

Then you should really worry!

Bad Boy, Ginger, and Garlic.

PS – We intend to incorporate a few more villains in the pages that follow. You may well be one of them!